Human Design to Enhance Yourself – with Amy Cleary | Ep 142

In this episode we are sitting down with Amy who is showcasing Human Design.  I recently gave Amy all my personal details such as DOB, Time of Birth and Place of Birth and Amy is doing a live reading for you all to see her magic in action.


This episode is a game changer not only for myself, but for you all to see how a modality such as human design can help you see your own gifts and also how you make choices, find your own rhythm and create magic.





I am a Self-Discovery Coach for Women, my passion is helping Women to thrive and live their most authentic lives.

I love teaching Women how Human Design can be a game changer in how they use their energy, make aligned decisions and what unique gifts they have to serve others. I also run events such as Women’s Circles, Breathwork and Retreats.



Connect with Amy here:



About your host, Christine

Transition and Lifestyle Coach, Host of The Corporate Escapists TV Show & Podcast, Speaker & Educator. In a past life, I was a corporate queen, earning the big bucks & working my way up that ladder. From the outside, I had it all, but I felt completely dead inside. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I really discovered what was missing from my life. I realised I had no idea who I was.

What lit me up. What was setting my soul on fire? What was my passion in life? But after years of doing the inner work, I have rebuilt my life and now I want to help you do the same.

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Human Design to Enhance Yourself - with Amy Cleary | Ep 142

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