Tanya MacIntyre – I help people create a life they love… one they don’t need to escape from!

Tanya MacIntyre is a former broadcast journalist who packed up negative news (and her progressive addictions) for positive media and entrepreneurship.
Tanya is unabashedly optimistic about the human capacity to heal ~ to tap into the wellspring of compassion that is self-energy and self-love. Her professional focus is healing trauma and addictions. As a CBT Consultant, she devotes herself to training, mentoring, and writing.
Tanya lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, where they run an addiction-recovery business.
To learn more about Tanya and her work, visit https://redroofrecovery.com
Thank you for joining us here at The Corporate Escapists. Please introduce yourself to our reader. They love to know about you, your passion, and how you came to find and follow your passion.
After 22 years in mainstream media, I made a decision to get clear and sober. I’ve since published 2 books in honour of my Philosopher Dad, to celebrate his legacy of ‘Mindful Wisdom’ while he struggled with his own addictions as a single father.
I’m now an addiction-recovery specialist who helps people create a life they love… one they don’t need to escape from!
Oprah once quoted ‘You are where you are in your life, based on what you believe. If you’re not looking at the shadows, what is subconsciously telling yourself you’re not good enough, not worthy enough, not smart enough…you’re not enough, you end up acting out of THAT belief system, and not of what you want to be the truest for yourself.””. How important is it to you to have the belief within ones self?
Having belief within one’s self is one of the most important things we can develop and nurture for ourselves.
We are inundated with messages that tell us we’re never good enough until we buy something or take something to feel better.
One of the most challenging things we do in our lifetime is learn how to unconditionally love and accept ourselves. Learning to love ALL that we are is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. Louise Hay’s ‘mirror exercise’ is a great way to start your day to say, “I love you, and you’re worth it!”
Tell us what the word “Entrepreneur” means to you?
How have you been able to incorporate self care in your life?
Share you thoughts on the importance of business owners to be a leader in their own life and ensure they have a work/life balance?
Owning a business can be all consuming, because it represents not just the owner’s passion but also their livelihood. When you love what you do, it can be easy to ‘burn the candle at both ends,’ and risk burning out without even realizing it’s happening.
I’m an advocate for networking opportunities that allow entrepreneurs a space to feel connected with like-minded people who can provide peer support and inspiration.
What is your favourite quote about inspiration?
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to start their own business?
Have a clear vision and a plan, and then have a persistent willingness to exert consistent efforts.

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